Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Beginning

So I've had this blog address for awhile now and have done absolutely nothing with it. But a few recent occurrences in my life have made it seem like blogging might be a good idea.
  1. I've started actually using my Google Reader which means I can keep up with my favorite blogs in an easier fashion which means that...
  2. I'm actually commenting on my favorite blogs which leads to...
  3. really really long comments wherein at the end of my typing them I think "I should really have my own blog and this could be an entry instead of the longest comment in the world. I am! This is me

This is the most recent picture of me I could fine where I look slightly sane. That's my youngest niece by the way. What a cutie huh?

I'm a 24 year old "adult" who feels like a teenager most of the time. Finished school 2 years ago and still trying to figure out what in the world I'm going to be doing with my life. Before this introduction post gets out of control I'll just make a quick list of the main "cast" that will be appearing in this blog.

  • Mom & Dad: the parental units obviously. I live with them which most days is a wonderful blessing (IE no rent and home cooked meals) but a lot of days makes me feel like I'm in a state of arrested development.
  • Jena: the sister. J is 6 years older than me which means we weren't that close when we were little but now that we are both adults I consider her one of my best friends. 
  • The L's and Baby E: my two nieces and nephew (L1 and Baby E are the nieces, and L2 is my nephew) aged 4, 3, and 3 months they are amazing and funny and I love them so much. They live half way across the country from me which means I am very thankful for things like Skype and frequent flyer miles
  • The High school friends: the ones that I've known since I was 14. We all went away to school and are now home in NJ trying to figure out who we are going to be. 
  • The College Friends: people that mean the world to me. We went to a small Christian Liberal Arts College in the Midwest and now we are all scattered across the US. Missing them and trying to find a group of young adults like them at home is the source of most of my "angst" 
  • The Best Friend: an amazingly talented performer going to grad school in Philly for jazz piano and soon she's going to take over the performing arts world. My life line at home.
  • The big man: AKA Jesus. Someone who I've known my whole life but am always finding new levels on which to understand him. A lot of this blog will be focused on me trying to figure out how to live my crazy life and keep a relationship with Jesus. How I follow Christ is something that is constantly evolving each day I'm on this planet. 

So basically this was waaaay too long for an intro post and I am so sorry! Hope you enjoy what you find here and I'm looking forward to jumping feet first into the deep end that is blogging!


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